※ Trademark
GREENTEK、REDBOX、TVA、ANLI、POPTOOLS、THREE STAR are trademarks or registered trademarks of Zhong Yuan. The absence of any trademarks or registered trademarks of Foshan Zhongyuan Creative Industrial CO., Ltd. in this section or other parts of this web does not constitute a waiver of any rights or interests that Zhong Yuan possesses.
The trademarks of Zhongyuan Creative Industrial CO., Ltd. may not be used without express permission. Any application of such trademarks in advertisements or promotional materials requires written permission from Zhong Yuan, and shall appropriately give reference to source therein, Such as to make a notice “GREENTEK is the registered trademark of Zhongyuan Creative Industrial CO., Ltd.”. You may obtain the License for the use of the product imagines, trademarks and logos through contacting us.
※ General Statement
Zhongyuan Creative Industrial may change this legal statement from time to time, so as to conform to the latest company policies. Please check this Web site periodically for updates as this information will be binding when you are using this Web site.
※ Downloading Software
Zhong Yuan provides original drivers and related software on this Web site that can be downloaded by customers. You may use the download to update your PC's driver software, however, unauthorized use of this company's software for commercial purposes is prohibited.
We must remind users of PC, that since hardware manufacturers would generalized their original drivers to make the best use of the hardwares in production. Therefore, we do not assure that the sofewares we provided here is fit for the hardwares in your PC. Any technical question happens when applying our softwares, we will not bear any responsibility. If such case happens, we strongly recommend you to contact your PC agent or manufacturer for ideas and solutions.
※ Policy Application
This policy is applicable to all Web sites of Zhong Yuan, including:
and versions of these Web sites in various languages